Mikhael's Portable Atari 2600

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Finally Got Started

I finally started hacking up my Atari today! I cut up the motherboard, then soldered a bunch of wires and parts onto it. I was having some trouble soldering the parts since I was working on the patio and a cold wind was blowing (which certainly cooled my soldering iron), but when I turned it up from 15W to 30W I had more luck. I just hope I didn't burn up any components while I was working on it! :)

My next step is going to be hacking up the pocket TV, I think. Since that was the most expensive part of the project, it's the part that makes me the most nervous. But, I think I can do it successfully! I'll just have to wait until I have a few hours to spare to work on it.


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